Amazing ways to market your app.

You No Code
4 min readApr 11, 2021

Congratulations, my friend for reaching this final step in your app success.

Until now, you have done lots of research and hard work to get an app idea, designing it, making a prototype, collecting feedback, updating your app, building your app, testing your app and…

Publishing your app to play store (or) app store.


You have done wonderful work by bringing life to your app idea and bringing it to this world.


This is just the beginning of the journey my friend.

So many people feel comfortable and very happy by publishing their initial app.

As the name itself describes, it is an initial app equipped with 5 major features which require more polish.


Your app needs more development by adding more and more features depending on your app success.

You might ask me, what is meant by app success?. Glad you have asked me.

Many people think that app success means millions of downloads to their app.

This might be true.


In my view, app success means millions of users for your app.

Both sentences may seem similar, yet they are completely different.

How you can attain millions of app users? (Not millions of app downloads).

This could be done by showing up.

Showing up?…

It means, reaching out others living in this world trying to solve their problems which is present in your app(the solution).

Millions of people just try to show only the beauty of their app, which will fail you.

You need to show the solution that your app will solve to millions.

This is very very important.

Of course, a good-looking app is Important. But, make sure it solves a specific problem and have a good understanding of it. This is what separates successful apps from other apps.

If you don’t know what problems your app solves.


Your app is in big trouble.

Now, you may ask me, before I get millions of users, my app has to reach millions of people.

How can I do that?. That is a wonderful question. I am glad you have asked.

The answer is “marketing strategy “.

You may have questions in your mind, like…

What is a marketing strategy? Why I need to do it for my app?. But, before that watch my friend video about marketing your app by Evan Carmichael.

This will clarify most of your questions.

Link to video:

Do you know Steve jobs?. “What a silly question “. Of course, everyone knows him.

Do you know what Steve jobs think about marketing strategy?.

If don’t know, watch the video below. This will help you as much as my blog.

Click here:

I hope you have understood the meaning and importance of marketing strategy.

Use the content given to you in the form of blogs and videos.

It’s time to take action, my friend.

Now, you may ask me. Pavan, it may cost a lot of money…..? I know this is a common question for all of us.


There is a common solution to solve this problem.

I have 2 ways to solve this problem.

1. By earning some money known as “active/ leverage income (NOT Passive income)” known as paid marketing.

2. By using simple tricks that may help you to get you more users known as organic marketing.

First, watch the video made by my friend Neil Patel. I love his video’s.

Click here:

Options-2 may give you quick relief. But, this won’t be effective and it won’t help you in the beginning as it will take lots of time and effort.

In my view, option-1 is best. Because, as you can make some money you can spend on paid marketing strategies that will ensure more downloads.

But, converting them (your app downloaders) into users depends on your app.

Here, I prefer you to first go through option-1, if you are getting some users and collect their feedback.


If they like it, it’s time to go through paid one (option-1) such that your app can reach millions.

Hence, watch the video below to understand, How to market your app for free.

Click here:

Now, I have shown you my entire knowledge and resources related to marketing. It’s time to take action. All the best.



You No Code

Hi, My name is Pavan and I am here to share my knowledge about building apps (especially apps without code) for FREE. Your welcome.